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CCH Software User Documentation

Adding an employee to an Employee Group

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This is where you add employees to security groups to define their access rights to the application. This is usually completed when using the Wizard to create an employee record but it can also be done through the Employee Details page > Security Groups tab. Every employee has to be part of at least one security group before they can use the database.

Add employee to security group

  1. From the main menu, select File > Maintenance > Security > Employee Group Security

  2. On the Employee Group Security window, click the Ellipsis button Buttom Ellipisis.PNG in the Employee field to find the employee you want to add him or her to the security group. 

  3. On the Find Employee window, select the employee and click OK.  The Employee Group Security window refreshes displaying the employee's name. 

  4. In the Is not a member of... panel, select the group that you want to add the employee to, and then click the Buttom Add one item.PNG button to move the group to the Is a member of... panel. (To add all groups to the employee, click the Buttom Add all items.PNG button. The employee will have the access permissions of all the groups.) 

  5. Repeat Step 3 for each group as required and then click OK to save changes and close the window.

Central - Maintenance - Security - Employee security group.PNG


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