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CCH Software User Documentation

Adding employees to the database

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Use the Add New Employee Wizard to guide you through all the stages involved in creating a record of an employee. The wizard is always your starting point to add an employee to the database.

An Add New Employee Wizard guides you through all the stages involved in creating a record of an employee. The wizard is always your starting point to add an employee to the database.

However, if you prefer, you can just use the wizard to create the employee's basic information and then complete the remaining steps on the Employee Details page at another time. The only mandatory step in the basic Wizard is the first one. After this you can click the Finish button at any time to save information about the employee and exit the Wizard.

If there are any mandatory fields in a Step in the Wizard, a small red triangle shows like this File:dirname/central/060_Employees/090_Using+the+Add+New+Employee+Wizard/010_Adding+employees+to+the+database/icon_mandatory.gif in the field.  You will not be able to go to the next Step in the Wizard until the field is completed.

This icon  File:dirname/central/060_Employees/090_Using+the+Add+New+Employee+Wizard/010_Adding+employees+to+the+database/icon_warning.gif appears if you try to move to the next Step without completing the mandatory field or if you make an error. Hover on the icon and it will tell you what the error is.

You access the Add New Employee Wizard from the main menu by selecting File>New>Employee.


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